Virtual Reality is here to stay, in gaming at least. But what about video 360?
We're at top of the hype cycle, so you'll hear more and more slack, resist!
- No money yet, just another living room 3D, gloom, gloom , gloom, …
- Users want a pro to point the camera, …
- Current V360 quality (resolution) is still sub-par
... but it's improving so fast and with a great UX already available in the labs it can be with users within a year or two.
However much bandwidth it ends up needing (10-1000Mbps), live V360 will leverage the best networks.
Video 360 will add something, be-it small or large, to operators' product portfolio and differentiation.
Even if it were to stay on the sidelines, VR and Video 360 will affect how we think of user experience, and may well influence content production.
The video tiling technique offers a scalable solution to delivering video 360 at a fraction of the bandwidth. Download this presentation to learn more, and stay tuned for the eBook due before EOY 2017.
Please complete the Email feild to view or download the presentation by Ben Schwarz on Live Video 360 delivery from November 2017
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